There are several proposed rule changes that will greatly impact your judges, organizers, and costs to show. We MUST speak out when rules are poorly structured, defined and contribute to unnecessary expense and effort. These are just a sample of the most meaningful to USEF dressage shows and events that will impact cost and feasibility of hosting. I've included my personal thoughts and vote as an example.

The only way to have your voice heard is to log onto the USEF website and use the link for rule change comments. You are affected by general rules as well as discipline specific rules. That link closes 2/28. If you have enjoyed shows at my venue over the years, please speak up! Your cost and access will be affected if these changes pass.

GR 1304: “The 30 day rule”

The major conflict of interest rule is being changed to be equal for all divisions and breeds- which will impact some others more (Eventing). In general the rule has been known as a 30 day rule (longer for other relationship like horse purchased etc).
1304.3 (This is in a new draft 2/28/23!)
Proposed change includes language that these relationships must be PERMANENTLY TERMINATED 30 days before the show. This would mean you could never show before a judge (which includes their family or clients, their trainer or that trainer’s clients- the list is a page long) that you have EVER had lessons with!! This is not only impossible for organizers to police it will lead many judges to give up their licenses. Most judges make more from teaching and consider judging to be more of a support for the sport. I urge vote no and remove the word permanently. The 30 day rule has worked well for dressage and Eventing. Also make comments about the one size fits all application (it doesn't fit all divisions) . This will hurt Eventing and Dressage greatly!
This applies to EV 156.and EV 158 That previously allowed an official to work at an event where there was a conflict as long as that official did not judge a division where there was a conflict. It made it clear they could not serve on the ground jury for that division There are many families of prominent officials who event. It is possible to work an event as an official without a conflict even if you have family or other clients there. This will affect the pool of officials available for events. Urge retention of ev 156 that allows an official to work at an event even if there is a conflict with one of the potentially hundreds of competitors present as long as they don't officiate for that one division.

GR 1215.3 stabling

Will require dark and quiet time in barns from 11 pm to 5 am. No consideration for late arrivals, early departures addressed

Gr846.1 Safety coordinator

We have had a safety coordinator at our dressage shows and events for years but often they come from a medical or other background and aren't horse owners or competitors. New proposal REQUIRE FULL USEF membership and do not allow them to participate in any manner in the completion (even if someone is appointed to cover a shift for them) many USEA event members/competitors are not even USEF members. Cost to that individual include yearly due ($80) and they must do safesport and all other hoops. It will be very difficult to convince some safety coordinators to do these things and I'm sure the membership will be paid by the show. This is purely IMO a money grab by USEF and will precede other steps (see

proposed human and horse welfare steward?


GR 1037 Equine safety and welfare stewards

Proposed LICENSE FOR HUMAN AND EQUINE. SAFETY AND WELFARE. Our td and stewards already have this as their job description. This would be a NEW official required for all USEF SHOWS, LARGE OR SMALL. by second year. This of us who have licenses know $80 member dues yearly, $40 license renewal yearly, $20 liability ins yearly, some years you pay for a background check $30. All applicants for a license pay a $75 application. They haven't even established training clinics and programs and how to keep your license renewed but for most of us obtaining a license can run into thousands of dollars with fees, apprenticeships, travel etc This is so poorlv proposed and insulting to current stewards and TD.


How to submit comments

  1. Log on to USEF. Make sure you are current on dues.

  2. On the main page scroll down

  3. click on rule book

  4. Scroll all the way down to additional resources.

  1. Click on Rule changes.

  2. This brings up the laundry list of rules and proposals Click on the appropriate ones that matter or any and all. Click the comment button, and fill in. (keep it PC!)

  3. The general rule on conflict of interest

  4. Safety officer

  5. Human and horse welfare will truly adversely affect organizers, officials and


  6. Submit

Emails are ignored is what I’m told. Only comments submitted this way reach the system Thanks for trying.


Educational Evening Recap- March 25th, 2023


Facility Improvements for the 2023 Season have begun!