USDF Recognized Dressage Show
25th Annual Spokane Sport Horse Casual Qualifier
Judge: Amanda Wilgenburg
Judge: Cindy Canace
TD: Deeda Randle
USDF Dressage Show
30th Annual Spokane Sport Horse Spring Dressage Show
Judge: Jody Ely
Judge: Jeanne McDonald (Clinic to Follow on Monday after show)
TD: Victoria Powers
Jeanne McDonald Clinic
Jeanne McDonald will stay after judging our May Dressage show for a clinic!
Contact Christel Carlson for Scheduling
USEA Recognized Horse Trials
Event Date: May 15 - 18, 2025 Open Date: Apr 1 Close Date: Apr 29
President of the Ground Jury: Karen Winn
Judge: Eileen Pritchard Bryan
Judge: Amanda Wilgenburg
TD: Rick Caldwell
Announcers: Malcom Hook and Julie Gelderman
Clear Round Hunter Jumper Show
Contact Christiane Laurie
USDF Dressage Show
17th Annual Spokane Sport Horse Father's Day Dressage Classic I & II
Judge: Melissa Creswick (Clinic to Follow on Monday)
Judge: Jodi Lee Jones
TD: Jean Krause
Melissa Creswick
Melissa Creswick Dressage Clinic
Melissa will be staying for a day of lessons after our June Dressage show.
USDF Dressage Show
30th Annual Spokane Sport Horse Dressage Spectacular I & II
Judge: Kristi Wysocki (WA)
Judge: Gwen P. Ka'awaloa (CO)
TD: Heather Peterson

USEA and FEI Horse Trials
Spokane Sport Horse 10th Annual Fall H.T. | Spokane, Washington (AREA 7)
Event Date: Sep 26 - 29, 2024 Open Date: Aug 13 Close Date: Sep 10
Event Officials
FEI/Nat. TD:Gretchen Butts, USA;FEI Assist./HT:Wendy Wergeles, CAFEI/Nat. Pres:Robyn Fisher, USA;Members:Lynda Ramsey, CAN, Deeda Randle, USADressage Judges:Amanda Wilgenburg, WA; Carol Kozlowski, NYFEI Vet:Sandi Farris, USAFEI Steward:Margie Molloy, USACD-XC:FEI, T-Starter, Three-Day:Adri Doyal, MEX;I/P/M:William Robertson, KYSJ:William Robertson, KYXC-Builders:Christel Carlson; Adri Doyal, Greg ThompsonAnnouncer:Jonathan Horowitz, Malcolm HookTreating Vets:Dr. Jennifer Earnest, McKinlay Peter Equine Veterinary Hospital
Regina Agren Dressage Clinic
Clinic will be half days. Contact Carissa to get on the schedule. dcfarms523@gmail.com
Hulsebos Saddles
We are very pleased to let you know that Hulsebos Saddles is heading to the Pacific Northwest area VERY SOON! Our projected dates are November 7-20. Please let us know if we can be of service at your earliest convenience.
Contact Carissa Cell: 509-993-2692

Spooktacular Combined Test and Schooling Show
The entry form for the Fall Combined Test and Schooling show is processed through google forms, you can find the link above.
The best costumes will receive a prize!
Cross Country schooling is offered all weekend.
Independent Dressage tests available through all levels. Show jump rounds offered through Prelim.
Entry Deadline OCT 22nd. Late fit me in fee $20. Late payment fee $15.
If you must scratch, email team@spokanesporthorse.com there is a nonrefundable office fee of $20.
Please on your Check or Venmo list what entry you are paying for.
A combined test includes a dressage test and a stadium jumping round at the designated level for which one chooses.
Prizes are not offered for only SJ rounds or Dressage tests.
*JUMP schooling rounds: Typically we run the stadium in a decreasing height schedule. Therefore if you select a lower schooling height this division will be run after your initial class. Schooling rounds will be run before official CT rounds.
Contact Cyra with questions team@spokaneporthorse.com

USEA and FEI Horse Trials
Spokane Sport Horse 10th Annual Fall H.T. | Spokane, Washington (AREA 7)
Event Date: Sep 26 - 29, 2024 Open Date: Aug 13 Close Date: Sep 10
Event Officials
FEI/Nat. TD:Gretchen Butts, USA;FEI Assist./HT:Wendy Wergeles, CAFEI/Nat. Pres:Robyn Fisher, USA;Members:Lynda Ramsey, CAN, Deeda Randle, USADressage Judges:Amanda Wilgenburg, WA; Carol Kozlowski, NYFEI Vet:Sandi Farris, USAFEI Steward:Margie Molloy, USACD-XC:FEI, T-Starter, Three-Day:Adri Doyal, MEX;I/P/M:William Robertson, KYSJ:William Robertson, KYXC-Builders:Christel Carlson; Adri Doyal, Greg ThompsonAnnouncer:Jonathan Horowitz, Malcolm HookTreating Vets:Dr. Jennifer Earnest, McKinlay Peter Equine Veterinary Hospital
USDF Dressage Show
AUGUST 10th & 11th, 2024
Gwen Ka’awaloa - USEF S/Dressage, DSHB R + Young Horse
Sue Mandas- USEF S/Dressage, DSHB R + Young Horse
Rebecca Lewis – USEF R/Dressage TD
Online Entry System
Overnights Welcome
Many will be traveling through on I-90 headed east toward Kalispell, MT for The Event at Rebecca Farm. We are excited to have a free weekend to host many more competitors than could be accepted in years past (as we had a dressage show that weekend).
XC schooling will be open, with the water jumps maintained with water. Option for riding in dressage arenas and show jumping arenas as well.
To schedule your stay please email team@spokanesporthorse or call Gail at 509-999-6611.
Overnight stabling in 12x12 permanent stalls $45 per night
Electrical hookup $25 per night
XC Schooling Fee $55 per horse/per day
Daniel Stewart Clinic
Auditor fees will be used as a fund raiser for the Pony Club and to help support young riders that typically wouldn’t be able to participate because of the expense.
Dolly Hannon Dressage Clinic
Dolly will be staying over after the dressage show and teaching a full day clinic on Monday!

Ice Cream Social
Saturday evening at 5:15 pm
Spokane Sport Horse Farm Event Center
An opportunity for youth riders (and riders of all ages) to gather and get to know each other.
Sponsored by MRB Dressage
USDF Dressage Show
June 15 16th Annual Spokane Sport Horse Father’s Day Dressage Classic I, Spokane, WA
June 16 16th Annual Spokane Sport Horse Father’s Day Dressage Classic II, Spokane, WA
Brian MacMahon - USEF S/Dressage + Young Horse
Janet ‘Dolly’ Hannon -USEF S/Dressage + Young Horse
Deeda Randle – USEF R/Dressage TD
Entries are live for the June 2024 Dressage Show
We will be using a new method of payment, Stripe.
Full Gallop Eventing Clinic
Marc Grandia Eventing Clinic
Organizer: Lois James
We are thrilled to welcome Marc Grandia back to Spokane Sport Horse Farm for an epic two day cross country clinic on June 8th and 9th!! This is a truly educational clinic that will teach the skills needed to excel on the XC course and assess ability to move up. Suitable for all levels of eventing, lessons will be in groups matched by experience level. Spots are limited so sign up ASAP. Cost of the two day clinic is $325 (including SSHF XC facility fees!). Please venmo me (@Lois-James) a $100 deposit to reserve your spot.
Jumper Show
Hosted by Clear Round Hunter Jumper
Organizer:Christianne Lauria

USEA Horse Trials
8th Annual Spring Horse Trials
We are very excited to be using USEA's Show Connect Event Management System for the first time. Please be patient as it will look a little different than you are used to, but all the information is there! If you have any suggestions please send them to contact@showconnect.org. Any questions regarding the event itself, please email info@grayareaevents.com.
Omnibus Listing: https://useventing.com/events-competitions/calendar/event?event=18459.
Horse Vaccination Upload: https://www.cognitoforms.com/grayareaevents/_2024horsetrialsequineinfluenzaandequineherpesvaccination
Message from USEF regarding Safe Sport and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTf_CfIA9kBEyJbGNHCKBGqmTUdK0TmTovI09R1GcRYTjGyBYZESc8SY-rd25NhNH5FS3vabQtDfFjQ/pub.
Spring Combined Test and Schooling Show
As a Spokane Sport Horse Team we are delighted to welcome everyone back to Spokane as we kick off the show and eventing season for the 2024 year!
The entry form for the Spring Combined Test and Schooling show is processed through google forms, you can find the link below.
Cross Country schooling is offered all weekend.
Independent Dressage tests available through all levels. Show jump rounds offered through Prelim.
Entry Deadline April 21st. Late fit me in fee $25. Late payment fee $15.
If you must scratch, email team@spokanesporthorse.com there is a nonrefundable office fee of $20.
Please on your Check or Venmo list what entry you are paying for.
A combined test includes a dressage test and a stadium jumping round at the designated level for which one chooses.
Prizes are not offered for only SJ rounds or Dressage tests.
*JUMP schooling rounds: Typically we run the stadium in a decreasing height schedule. Therefore if you select a lower schooling height this division will be run after your initial class. Schooling rounds will be run before official CT rounds.
*There will be a Donegan Ryan Eventing Clinic held at the farm over the same weekend, these lessons will have priority while schooling cross country, you are welcome on the course at the same time but please yield to them when choosing obstacles to school. Lois James is the organizer of this clinic.
Contact Cyra with questions team@spokaneporthorse.com

Equine Health and Emergency First Aid Course
Equine First Aid Course coming to Spokane Washington in 2024!
Please register by emailing jonnakelner@gmail.com
Location: Spokane Sport Horse Farm
Saturday March 2nd ( 9am-5pm)
Equine Health and Emergency First Aid
Full day courses are $159 per person
OR IF REGISTERING BY Nov 30th, 20% discount for Black Friday Sale) Venmo payment available to get in on the discount!
Each class comes with a manual and certificate of completion
What is Covered?
Equine Health and Emergency First Aid covering:
Conditioning your horse to accept treatment
Taking correct vital signs
Identifying Pain
Preparing for the vet to arrive
Treatment of wounds
Bandaging techniques
Dealing with colic, choke, collapse, shock, hoof issues and more!