Frequently asked questions.
Can I take riding lessons at SSHF?
Currently you must have your own horse to take riding lessons here. We do not have any lesson horses available currently.
How do I know what clinics I can ride in?
All clinics are different, many levels of riders are accepted. You must contact the organizer of each specific clinic to get on the list.
How can I get into horses with out breaking the bank?
Spectators are welcome to attend all recognized shows. Volunteering is another great way to learn about the industry. Audit clinics and learn too! For kids, research joining a local Pony Club, they can learn about horses with out the requirement of owning one.
Can I attend a USDF recognized dressage show without being a USDF member?
Yes! You can compete under exceptional high ranked judges in a class called an “Opportunity Class”.
How do I sign up for a Dressage show?
You must use the current years “Dry Side Show Omnibus”. This is where you can select classes and send your entry using the form at the end of the document.
How do I sign up for an USEA event?
Go to the link on the events page, or go to USEventing.com, search competitions in the calendar, select the Spokane Horse Trails, and fill out your entry by hand and mail in or use the Xentry online entry platform!
Can I bring my horses for a few days to use the facility?
Yes! Get in contact to confirm, and request time.
Where do I find my stabling assignments?
Often times it will be posted. For events check StartBox, for Dressage shows, clinics and other events check your email. If overnighting- D barn, or C Barn is where you will likely be.